Friday, October 5, 2018


We are here!  Last Saturday afternoon, we flew into Samoa.  What a wonderful paridise it is here.  Our office has a view out to coconut and banana palms.  We cannot believe it.  I will try to post some pictures of our environment.  We have a car (a Hyundai Tuscon) and miraculously passed our Samoan driver's test (they drive on the left side of the road here) so now we have our licenses.  We have met the principals of the schools we will be working with and look forward to getting to know them better.

We had a visit with our mission president, President Ho Ching and his wife.  They are very kind and encouraged us to attend a Samoan Ward every Sunday for church.

We are moving into the next door apartment which is a two bedroom unit instead of a one bedroom unit where we started.  Yesterday, we took our former neighbors who lived in the apartment, the Little's to the airport as they finished their mission.  We only knew them for 6 days but they became very dear to us in that time and really helped us get our feet on the ground.

We are getting to know people around here and everyone has been super nice.  We highly recommend it!  There are hibiscus, orchids, and other colorful flowers growing everywhere.  The people dress modestly in colorful lava lavas and everyone has a smile on their face.

Our school (Pesega College) as seen right out our front door
                                               View of the temple seen out our front door
Janice with fresh tuna purchased at the dock

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