Sunday, January 13, 2019

A New Missionary Couple

We had another good week but it went by really fast because we were preparing for the arrival of another ITEP couple (the Fillmores) from Bountiful, Utah bound for Vaiola (the church school on Savai'i.  It was exciting to get to pick them up from the airport and help introduce them to everyone and get them halfway settled (at least in Samoa).  As soon as they can get their driver's licenses, get their car issued, and meet with IT, we get get them on their way on the ferry to get settled at Vaiola.
Black Sand Beach

After picking up the Fillmores on Friday night, we had a wonderful trip to Black Sand beach on the south side of the island.  I got a healthy dose of sun (a little burn on my face) and we all got quite a bit of sand on our skins that we got to take home to our shower.  It was idyllic and remote. 

We have almost finished our current class.  We have mapped out the entire year's schedule and can make it thought most of the program classes.  
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