Sunday, April 14, 2019

Tofa Mai Faleni!

We had to say goodbye this Friday to our friends the Wights.  We had a whirlwind experience to take them everyplace we could before they left including American Samoa and Savai'i.  It was so good to have someone from home to share our "paradise" with. 

We enjoyed our little trip to Pago Pago even though it was on a little plane. 
The 20 minute trip was pretty however.  We even got to fly over our beloved Sauniatu and see beautiful Namua Island.
Namua Island (center-left)

Everyone in American Samoa was excited about the announcement of a new temple there - members and non-members alike.  It will be a great blessing to the people there.  We stayed at Sadie's by the Sea resort on Pago Pago harbor.  It was beautiful there.  The next morning, Ron Wight and I decided we would try our luck snorkeling just off the beach there.  It was beautiful!  There were fish everywhere.  Unfortunately, as I was admiring the beauty, a 5-foot shark swam by me.  I did not linger but decided it was time to come back to the shore.
Ron & Ann Wight in American Samoa

We ended our time with Ron and Ann Wight by taking the ferry over to Savai'i and staying overnight in a beach fale.  It was beautiful as we ate on a deck over the ocean that night.  We left them at the airport on the west end of our island (Upolu) so they could catch their flight.  We were a little sad so we spent the next day at the beach and that seemed to cheer us up a bit.

This coming week, we are rolling up our sleeves and prepping for our classroom management class.  We also are putting on a information session for the young men in our stake (at the invitation of our stake president) on manners for missionaries.

It was great to see conference and the great talks that we heard.  We are looking forward to studying them a little deeper in the coming weeks.
Hammock Time on the beach!

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