Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fa'aSamoa (Culture Day) at the Middle School

One of the teacher's in our class is a beginning Samoan teacher. After listening to one of the ideas we suggested in our class, he decided to make his lessons a little more hand's-on.  He organized a formal Samoan feast complete with constructing 6 Umu pits, #2 pigs, coconut cream, fish, chickens, etc.  The students did all the work and did a marvelous job.  The teacher was pleased that now, everything was making sense to the student and they could apply what they had been learning.  Of course, we were invited and treated so well.  They really enjoyed the activity and we enjoyed rubbing shoulders with them!
Samoan Chicken for the umu!

Stocking the umu (bananas, #2, taro, & breadfruit)

Weaving a basket for the food.

Scraping the breadfruit (uli)

Preparing the fish
Sister Lloyd's Palagi friend at Pesega (her name is Kiona)

Our neighbor boy Jayden.  He is our favorite visitor!

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