Sunday, August 4, 2019

Interns and Pioneer Day

On Tuesday, we finished up teaching our class and came out of our office about 6:00 PM and ran into the primary Pioneer Day Parade!  We were delighted to fall in step with them and follow the covered wagon with about 40 primary children singing.  The police were at the street and stopped traffic for them as they crossed in front of the mission home on the way to the church building across the street.  They had a delightful program with real Samoan Pioneers who had to go to Sauniatu to escape persecution.  The best was the nursery class dancing to Cotton-eyed Joe!

This Friday, we made our way up the mountain to Sauniatu and taught our English lesson and SIOP lesson.  We bundled up the 6 interns from BYU-H and met at our house.  We got a couple more senior missionary couples in on the deal and shuttled them to eat out with us that night at a restaurant at the warf and then cheesecake afterwards.  Three of them stayed in our apartment and the other three stayed with Elder & Sister Williams across the street.  While they were at the temple the next morning, Janice cooked about 30 Norwegian waffles for them after they returned.

We spent the rest of the day at Vavau beach and had a delightful time with them.  They really cheered us up and put a sparkle in our life.  They are so young and energetic.  We feel lucky to get to show them around a bit.

Time is flying by and we are working very hard teaching and observing.  We feel good that we are making a difference here but are coming to realize that it is hard work!  This is not an assignment for wimps!  We are dead tired every night and work hard just to keep up.  The pay is good however and we have been blessed with health miracles, with financial blessings, and the love and support of our wonderful family.

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