Sunday, November 17, 2019


We thought we would share a few of the unusual and sometimes humorous things we read in Samoa.  The sign that protects the thieves is posted in front of one of the higher-end grocery stores (Lucky Food).  The danger sign is posted on the fencing surrounding one of the many large generator stations on campus that are necessary when the local grid shuts down.  We wonder what the difference between a naked and non-naked flame is.  The yield signs here are the familiar shape but have "Give Way" posted on them.  We attended a fancy gathering this weekend with the US Ambassador and the US Navy South Pacific Jazz band and ordered off the Pupu menu!  We think that means small dishes.

We took a trip to Fagaloa Bay this weekend to order us some custom carved canes from a local wood carver.  He does beautiful work.  We took a picture of some of the scenes on that drive.  It is on the Northeast corner of the island of upolu and has deep bays and steep mountain cliffs with waterfalls coming down.  At the wood carver's fale, we had a bunch of little pigs underfoot that were pretty cute.

Fagaloa Bay, Upolu, Samoa

This week has been slow and a little strange because of the measles epidemic here.  The government has enacted emergency powers to prevent large gatherings.  The schools have canceled graduations, prize giving days, and we even cancelled church this weekend in support of those measures.  There have been over 500 cases of measles in the past month.

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