Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Kitchen!

We had a busy week that was punctuated by the installation of a new kitchen in our apartment.  We had a leaky kitchen faucet that ruined the counter top so Thursday we came home to new counter tops with a shiny double sink.  We just had a single sink before so doing the dishes just got a little easier.
New counter top and sink

Elder & Sister Wright from Grants Pass, Oregon just arrived to be the area dentists.  We got to know them when we took them to Vavau beach yesterday.  If we were to have a favorite beach, it would be Vavau (which means "forever").

We started teaching our third class, Effective Pedagogy.  We will be teaching three days a week for a couple of hours each day for the next couple of months.
The lagoon at Vavau beach (beautiful snorkeling).

A cute crab making off with a good shell

Vavau Beach looking east

We are excited to have our neighbors, the Wights, come and visit us in April.  It will be so good to see them.

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