Sunday, February 10, 2019

Savai'i, Baha'i Temple, and the Storm

We took a quick trip this Monday & Tuesday to Savai'i to help out the ITEP couple there get a few things started.  We took the early ferry over and worked with them until the afternoon then went to the north of the island and stayed in a beach fale that was pretty cool.  The resort was right on the beach and the beautiful water.  We came home the following day and in the middle of the ferry trip home, it really started raining and blowing.  It was a pretty wild trip.  Come to find out, it was the last time the ferry ran for three days and there were people stranded on both sides of the ferry while it rained and stormed.  We felt fortunate that we made it home.  We spent the morning playing in the ocean and it was really nice.
View of ocean outside of fale

Pool at resort with beach fale

The Baha'i Temple

Pretty plant at the Baha'i Temple

Ferry to Savai'i

We spent the rest of the week in some of our teacher's classrooms observing them teach lessons in the format of the class we are teaching them.  It was fun.

We took a trip Saturday to the Baha'i temple here.  It is one of only 8 they have built in the world.  It is a beautiful campus.  Their religion was started in the early 1800's in Persia and is quite inclusive.

This coming week we will finish one class and start another.  We are going to be busy teaching three times a week.  It usually takes a full day to prepare for each lesson.

We are grateful to be on our mission.  We work hard and play hard and are glad to do this in our young phase of retirement!

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