Sunday, March 24, 2019

Beauty All Around US

We taught some of our final lessons for our Pedagogy course this week.  Next week we have one more lesson then class presentations and the final exam.  We will take a three-week break while our neighbors (Ron and Ann Wight) come to visit and school is out for the April break.  We will start up again in April with a Classroom Management course.  We have been visiting the classrooms of the teachers we have in our class and can see them adopt some of the techniques we are using.  It is fun to watch them grow.

We continue to be asked to help in other areas.  For example this coming Friday, we are going to present at the Pesega High School teacher training for the whole staff.  Similarly, we were just asked by the Stake President who lives in the ward we attend, if we would present to his stake Aaronic Priesthood young men about manners they should have when they serve as missionaries in Western Cultures such as America, Europe and Australia.  That should be fun.  We will have to emphasize how it is polite to take small portions at first.  Samoans love to feast and exhibit an enthusiasm for it that is both memorable and admirable.

Janice on the beach March 23, 2019

Beach at low tide - see the waves breaking on the reef in the distance

New planter at our front door
We went with some senior couples to the beach this weekend called Mata o Ma'a (eye is a stone).  It was pretty.  The water was warm but a little cloudy.  That was a shame because there were some pretty cool-looking fish there but they were a little hard to see.

Janice really likes the tree trunk planters that have a plant sticking out of them.  We found one for sale at the market so we now have one by our front door. 

From what we can tell, North America is thawing out from winter.  We feel blessed to have been shielded from the cold this winter and are enjoying this beautiful land and the beautiful people.  We know God must love us to send us here because it is evident that he loves and blesses these people.

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