Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day Already?

While winter keeps lingering back home, it is a balmy 86 degrees here and sunny.  We are getting excited to have our neighbors, the Wights, come and visit us in a couple of weeks and help them thaw out!  The climate here is perfect.  It does get a little warm but if there is a breeze you don't notice it so much.  Of course the ocean is always a good way to cool off.
Sunset view on the north side of our apartment.

Sunset view to the west in front of our

We are on the downhill side of our Pedagogy class and only have a couple more lessons to prepare to have it finished up.  We give the final exam in a couple of weeks.  Our week consisted of preparing and teaching our lessons, working on the Samoan Quality Assurance application, meeting with and training the teachers, and doing observations.  We were able to slip in a nice session in the Temple on Friday and attended the Relief Society Birthday brunch for our ward.  That was particularly fun because someone brought out an ukulele and everyone started singing Samoan songs spontaneously.

We included a picture of a rhinoceros beetle that got trapped in our laundry sink. I helped him out but he was so cool looking, we had to get a picture of him before we let him go.  We also have been having wonderful sunsets and sunrises.  Thursday morning, we were playing pickleball with our neighbors and the sky was brilliantly frosted with pink and purple clouds.  What added more to the spectacle was the lightening storm and associated rainbow on the western horizon at the same time.  It seems that the sunsets light up the sky in a 360 degree panorama of color.  We don't think that the pictures do it justice.

We love all of you and miss you bunches.  We pray for you every day and hope that God watches over you just a little extra while we are gone!  Tofa Soifua!

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