Sunday, May 12, 2019

President Nelson is Coming!

Things are all a buzz here at Pesega.  President Nelson is coming this Saturday and everyone is excited.  They will line the street with members waving white handkerchiefs all the way from the airport to hotel he is staying at 16 miles away.  If things go right, we should have front row seats for his devotional on Saturday.

We are keeping very busy teaching classes.  We are mostly done with Classroom Management.  We have about three more lessons left.  Joe is teaching an Introduction to School Counseling course.  We will start up a Technology in the Classroom class soon.

We have said goodbye to a couple of missionary couples recently as they have returned home with honor.  The Camerons from Alberta, Canada just finished last week.  They were Humanitarian Aid Missionaries and did a bunch of projects on all three Samoan Islands.  They helped build a lot of community centers, water systems, and home improvements.  We witnessed many families they literally lifted out of the mud to provide them with adequate and sanitary shelter. May God bless them for their faithful service!

 We have Monday off because it is a national holiday (Mother's Day).

We have had to rely on our family, our friends and neighbors to help wake up our house and yard from spring.  We appreciate the long hours that it took our son to get the lawns mowed the first time and get the irrigation system running.
Sunset at SaMoana

Apia Temple last week
Janice's Mother's Day at church

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