Sunday, May 19, 2019

Visit From The Prophet

Well, he came, he waved, he blessed, and won the hearts of the people of Samoa!  President Nelson passed us on the street and waved to us.  What was amazing was to realize that he did so all the way from the airport - an hour away!

We assembled in with the other senior missionaries in the VIP section of the audience just left of the rostrum and had a wonderful view.  Elder & Sister Halleck, Elder & Sister Gong, and President & Sister Nelson all spoke for two hours.  Just as the devotional started, the dark clouds above us started releasing rain.  The Choir sang Master, The Tempest is Raging in Samoan for the opening song.  The rain subsided and the devotional continued without rain until after it was dismissed.  When President Nelson got up to speak, he said, "You did it!  You had enough faith to stop the rain!"

At the devotional with our tickets!
We heard of centering our lives on the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, of warnings that persecution is coming into the lives of the members because Satan's influence where good is being called evil, and finally a sweet blessing left on the heads of the Samoan people including a healing blessing for those in need of it.

We had people from the Area Office in Auckland visiting this week.  Sister Vidal asked us to take her to Sauniatu on Friday.  It is always a pleasure to go there and rub shoulders with the wonderful people there.

Janice & Sister Vidal with some Sauniatu students.

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