Thursday, September 5, 2019

Area President and Gardening

Our Papaya Tree

It seems like all of our weeks are busy but that is the reality of our assignment here. It really makes time pass quickly.

We are finishing up our Special Education course and will give the final exam next week. It has been interesting to see the light of comprehension in the faces of our students as we talk about different disabilities that some of their students might have. We initially questioned the value of teaching this course to teachers who do not have a special education program in their school but now we see the value in it. We are starting to gear up for (gasp) our Teaching Literacy in the Content Area course. This will be a stretch for us but we will roll up our sleeves and give it our best.

Beach Repose!

We traveled to Fagaloa Bay on the northwestern end of the island. It is isolated by a poor road and is unspoiled. What a beautiful paradise!

Popo lelei! (Good Coconut)

We met with President and Sister Ardern (the Pacific Area President) on Wednesday night and had a delightful visit with them. They gave the "big picture" of the work in the Pacific area from the mature congregations in New Zealand and Australia, the solidly developing Church in the islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji to the emerging pioneers in Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and Kiribati. They were so kind and gracious. They consider themselves ordinary people on an extraordinary assignment. We really identified with that concept.

          Our first tomato

   Our gardening attempts are paying off. We have attached pictures of our pineapple "plantation," our papaya tree that we transplanted from our flowerbed, and our first tomato!

   We are excited to go home for Christmas to check up on some routine health concerns (and visit our family) so don't be surprised if you happen to see us around - you aren't just seeing things. We will have a tight schedule so we can't visit everyone but would be delighted to be stopped, hugged, and loved if you see us!
Our Pineapple "Plantation"

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