Sunday, September 22, 2019


We are marching along and have now been out over a year.  It only seems like yesterday that we arrived.  We have been very busy and keep focused on our work and are always surprised when the weekend is here again so quickly.  We get up in the mornings, quickly get ready, go to the school and prepare for our lessons, do some observations or whatever else needs done, teach our class, make our way home, eat dinner, do the dishes, read our scriptures in Samoan and fall into bed exhausted.  We only have three more courses to teach to complete the 10 courses the teachers need for their certificates!  

Adjusting to mission life has not been much of a stretch for me but Janice has been retired for several years and has had to "step up" her game.  She is such a hard worker and has been an equal partner in preparing and teaching the courses.  In fact, her language skills are really taking off and she is endearing us to the people as she communicates in Samoan. She even gave the opening prayer in Samoan today in Sacrament Meeting when asked spontaneously!
Janice, the Samoan!
Understandably, my Samoan is still in the formative stages (I am not as gifted as Janice is with languages).  However, we can both now distinguish the individual words people are speaking. We just need to work on our vocabulary.  
We are reading through the Book of Mormon in Samoan now for the second time together. That has really helped us.
It is like swimming in an aquarium here.

We have learned the value of spending a few hours each week at a beautiful beach, swimming in the warm ocean water and viewing the amazing life below the surface.  It is as if we were sent here to heal our souls with beauty when we visit a beach, see a glorious sunset, or see the beaming smiles of the children here.  It almost makes us forget the deep longing for familiar foods and the love of our grandchildren.

A beautiful Irish Moore Angelfish (about 5 minutes away from our house)

We also have the diversion now of growing pineapples and papayas in our backyard, finding mangos in the market, and rejoicing when we find some yellow cheddar cheese from California in the store.
My new baby pineapple
We had some dear friends, the Tanumapeas, leave for their home in Australia.  It saddens us to know we may never see the again in this life.  We are certain that if we end up in the Celestial city in the end, the Tanumapeas will be living there in the Samoan section.
The Tanumapeas on their last day at church

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