Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Groundhog Day!

We celebrated a Samoan Groundhog day by having a Break-the-Fast meal with the other Senior Missionaries that had ground hog (sausage) featured in the dishes.  It was a great time to socialize and enjoyed rubbing shoulders with our Mission President and his wife (President & Sister Ho Ching).

We spent the week observing lessons of our teachers giving out their rules and procedures as part of their student teaching observations.  We visited 8 classrooms.  They were creative.  We even had one teacher create a RAP song for the students to learn for his rules and procedures.  The students loved it!
First Day of School

We have started up our new classes this week (Assessment and Student Teaching) and will start a vocational counseling class next week.

We have made arrangements to return home in July after our graduating teachers have finished their ITEP certificates.  We are excited.

We took a quick trip Friday to Savai'i to pick up some extrat textbooks for our assessment class.
View from ferry terminal

Ferry Terminal (at Mulifanua)

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