Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hello December!

This past week found us attending Prize Giving ceremonies for both Pesega Middle School and High School along with graduation exercises for the 90 or so seniors at Pesega.  This is the official end of the academic school year here in Samoa with school now being out until the 28th of January.  This is their "summer" break.  We have found a small band of teachers that want that to take a BYU Hawaii education class from us.  We will be teaching SIOP starting December 10th.

We get to attend the temple every week and see it every day!
We were invited to the Senior Prom on Friday night.  Every young person was dressed up in suits and long formal wear in a hall without air conditioning (88 degrees).  The heat was stifling but the kids had a blast!  They danced until their suits were soaked in perspiration.

Janice taught a lesson for our Ward's young women's program today.  It was really good.  She is a wonderful teacher.

We love our mission!  We are sure that God loves us because he sent us here!  May God bless all of our family and friends this holiday.  We send our love to all of you!
Our little garden here in Samoa - Tomatoes, Squash, & Watermelon
They were going to throw these pineapple plants away.  We have a plantation now out back!

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