Monday, December 10, 2018

New Class

Fale under construction!
Today we started teaching a new class - BYU Hawaii EDU 340 Multiculturalism and Culturally Responsive Teaching (SIOP).  We only had three teachers show up but we will "shake the tree" and see if we can round up a few more.  If nothing else, those three teachers teach over 100 students a day so our class will impact the learning of at least 300 students here.
Janice's Puletasi

Janice had a puletasi made.  I have a matching tie.  We wore that on Friday night to Pesega 4th ward's Christmas party.  There was live music, dancing, performances and of course a lot of food.  We love our ward!

We passed a traditional fale under construction on our way back from the beach the other day.  That was a bonus trip because we found a breadfruit (my favorite) on the road and took it home.

We have our house decorated for Christmas.  I don't think I can put any words on the roof so I am a little disappointed but we will just have to make due.  There are a few other houses that are putting up lights so we are beginning to feel the Christmas Spirit.  Manuia le Kerisimasi!

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