Sunday, December 16, 2018


Okay, so in preparation for the Christmas party for the neighbor kids, Janice was making some molasses cookies and ran out of molasses.  I was sent on a mission to find more molasses.  I went to 4 different grocery stores and no one knew what molasses was.  I looked in all
Equivalent of Molasses!
the baking sections and no molasses!  I finally took a wild guess and grabbed a dark can labelled "Treacle."  We got home and researched it on the internet and found out that treacle is the equivalent of american molasses so the day was saved and we had molasses cookies (that were very good by the way)!  We had 10 or so kids come over and Janice helped them make paper snowflakes and I helped them make candy cane reindeer.  We had a blast with them.

We are trying to keep the tradition of "taco Tuesday" alive so last Wednesday (which is Tuesday back home) we went to a place on the dock that serves pretty decent Nachos with Taro chips.  We do sneak a bottle of hot sauce in so we can jazz it up a bit.  We included a picture of the Christmas tree on the dock!
Christmas trees from coconut fronds

We are still have a few preparations to get ready for Christmas but it is coming up.  It is really hard to be sneaky to get presents when Janice and I are together all of the time.  We will just have to get inventive!  Enjoy the season!  We love everyone and hope you are staying warm.  We are enjoying a balmy 86 degrees every day here in the palm trees.

1 comment:

Levi said...

You'll have to try making Treacle Tart