Sunday, October 20, 2019

Last Term of the School Year

We are nearing the Samoan National Exams which means that the students and the teachers are all preparing for these important assessments.  All normal studies are suspended and the main focus now is on review.  We are keeping very busy with the last three weeks of our Reading in the Content Area class as well as planning for two make-up courses that we will teach right up to the day we leave for our quick visit home.  November will bring us exciting things such as Sauniatu day, prize giving, and of course Janice's birthday (the big 65!).  We also hope to graduate the first two of many of our teachers with their ITEP certificates.  They are just a few weeks away from doing so.  We are so excited and very proud of them!

Janice and Joe in the kitchen

West end of the island
We have had a lot of grandchildren have birthdays these past two months.   We are amazed with how fast they are growing up!

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