Sunday, October 13, 2019

Staff Retreat and White Sunday Holiday

Last week both the High School and the Middle School held their staff retreats.  We attended both of them.  The high school staff started the day with a 6:00 AM temple session.  We joined them and then went over to the school for breakfast and a quick trip to a retirement home.  There are not many of them here.  This one is run by the Catholic Church (The Little Sisters of the Poor).  It was good to put a place to the collection boxes we have seen around town.  Most people here really do feel sorry for those who are put into the retirement center because there is a strong sense of obligation to take care of one's parents here even to those who have left overseas to work.  They do not have a very good social security system here (they only get about $50 US every month) so the children feel a strong obligation to take care of them.  The school teachers donated food, laundry detergent, soap and toiletries.  We assembled at one end of a large fale whilst the retirees were arranged at the other end.  There were formal speeches in Samoan announcing our gifts and greetings and of course singing and dancing.  It was so tender when the residents in wheelchairs gracefully motioned with their arms in time with the music as their contribution to the siva celebration.  We spent the remainder of the day swimming in the sporting event olympic pool and then into the night with entertainment and dancing before being served a huge buffet at 10:00 PM.
Lloyd's with one of their students - Julius Pao at Vavau Beach
The next day we got up and attended a breakfast with the middle school and then spent the rest of the day on the south side of the Island on our favorite beach at Vavau.  We ended that day with a huge buffet at a resort and a fiafia show there.  We were glad it was our week off so we could physically rest for a few days before we had to start teaching again. 
Sunset on the South Side of the Island

Beautiful Tafatafa Beach

Janice at Vavau
This past week found us "back in the saddle" teaching every night and doing classroom observations. We finished the week with a quick trip to Sauniatu in the rain and touched base with our dear teacher friends there.
We are satisfactorily healthy (although, I have a nagging cough that we can't seem to figure out).  We are seeing the fruits of our labors and feel good to be making a difference here.  It really sweetens the deal when we spend every chance we get on a beautiful beach!  We love all of you and think of you often.
When it rains at Sauniatu, waterfalls cascade down the mountains

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