Sunday, October 27, 2019

National Exams

WWe are in the Samoan National Exam period where regular instruction begins to shut down in order to accommodate these exams.  It is an accepted fact that learning concludes and only review lessons are held (if school is in session).  The last month and a half of learning time is compromised.  It is a little hard for us to "wrap our heads around."

We have been very busy teaching lessons and preparing.  We had the delight of catching Sister Vidal and Sister Bunker from the area office in New Zealand.  We spent a couple of nights visiting with them and talked a lot about the progress of the schools in Samoa particularly in Reading
Some of our teachers taking our literature class.
(their specialty).  Sister Bunker is a retired BYU Hawaii ESL teacher now serving as a missionary in the area office. Sister Vidal is from Utah and has moved to New Zealand.  She was hired by the pacific area schools to train the teachers in the island on the TALL English computer program.

We just attended our ward's primary program today.  It was fantastic.  All of the children recited their parts with perfection without any script or adult help.  Of course, the music was glorious.  They sing with such enthusiasm.

It is pineapple season again and our little “plantation” has yielded another one.

We are also just about ready to pick our first papaya!

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