Monday, March 23, 2020


We have been asked to pack up and be ready to go to the airport at a moment’s notice.  The government of Samoa has shut down the airports without considering those who might want to leave. We have been working with the embassy to see if they could negotiate a window for people to leave the country.  They have given us until March 29th to try to get a flight out.  President is coordinating with the area office and the regional travel office to try to arrange a flight out for about 18 senior and junior missionaries.  We will sit tight and see what happens.  In the meantime, we are packing like crazy, making gifts for the teachers we work with and trying to keep our zone informed.
Sister Aiono, Principal at Sauniatu

Clinic at a grocery store

At the waterfall at Sauniatu

Brother Paleotoga at Sauniatu

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