Sunday, March 8, 2020

"Marching" along

We keep so busy that the weeks are flying by.  It seems like every time we turn around it is Sunday again and we are ready to start a new week.  We are getting ready for a new couple that will be going to Vaiola.  We will pick up the Roundy's today.  They will be getting their driver's license and car and then we will escort them over to Savai'i hopefully on Wednesday.

It has finally quit raining and we are starting to dry out.  We can walk on our back sidewalk to our car again for the first time in a few weeks.  We are looking forward to the day when we can walk across the street instead of having to drive over the 4-foot wide 3-inch deep streams. 

We attended Alafua Ward conference today.  Bishop Elisara is an assistant principal at the high school.  They honored us and gave us leis as we came in.  The stake president (President Joseph) works as the main translator for the Church here.  He gave his talk in both Samoan and English.
Our favorite fale at Vavau

Joe and Janice at Alafua Ward Conference

Shells at Vavau

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