Sunday, March 15, 2020

Safe in Samoa

While the rest of the world is reeling from the measures needed to cope with the COVID-19 virus, Samoa seems to be a pretty good place to be right now.  The country is being very diligent in keeping visitors who might have the virus from coming here.  They have closed their port to cruise ships and just added the requirement that anyone from active COVID-19 contaminated countries must be quarantined for 14 days and test negative at least 5 days before coming here.  It will just about cut us off from the rest of the world while these restrictions are in place.

We got the Roundy’s off to Savai’i safe and sound and they are settling in at Vaiola.  We were fortunate that our dentist couple, the Wrights were there at the same time to show them around.

Also on Saturday, Janice was asked to speak at our neighbor’s little girl’s baptism.  They have adopted us as grandparents.  The girl’s name is Lovence Happiness Fretton.  She is pretty cute but we don’t think we can bring her home.

The senior missionaries participated in a service project on Saturday to get a duplex that Sister Marina owns ready for some elders.  It will be the first time in a while that this ward will have had missionaries.
Joe’s painting of Togitogina waterfall

Sister Bennett and Sister Williams cleaning the duplex

Beautiful day - Beautiful temple!

Lovence’s baptism

Janice sweeping centipedes

Elder Williams trimming the mango tree.

Joe’s painting of a fale at Vavau beach

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