Monday, March 2, 2020

We are drying out!

Well, the cyclone missed us but the rain did not.  We have never seen it rain so hard for so long.  Our yard is still flooded and we have a babbling brook running around both sides of our house.  Our neighbors say that it can take three weeks to subside.  It is a little funny when we want to visit the neighbors across the street.  We walk along the front of our house where it is mostly dry now, get in our car and back across the street that has 2 or 3 inches of water flowing down it, and pull up to their driveway so we  can walk around the back of their house to knock on their back door.

We helped our ward do a service project this Saturday and cleaned up a little primary school back behind us.  There is an acre of playground but it was all covered with weeds, grass, and shrubs.  About 40 Samoan men with bush knives took it down to the ground while the children drug the clippings and branches to a burn pile.  The women then used the coconut brooms (which look a lot like witches’ brooms) to sweep up the grass clippings.  In one hour, they had it looking great.

Lagoon at Vavau beach

My latest painting of a va’a

Fale at Vavau beach

Our plants in the flowerbeds love the rain they’ve received

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